Young Center

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The Young Center Stands in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter Protests

Washington, D.C., June 2, 2020—As protests demanding justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others killed by police violence continue, the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights stands in solidarity with victims and survivors of police brutality, their families, and their communities. As a human rights organization fighting to protect children’s rights, we condemn not just the most brutal forms of racism and violence against Black people, but also the everyday discrimination that Black children face in this country and the inhumane conditions that make it necessary for Black parents to teach their children about police violence from their first moments of social consciousness. As an organization that serves children traumatized by violence and persecution around the world, we demand protections for Black children who witness policy brutality and are subject to institutional racism and the impact of inter-generational trauma. Our struggle for justice is interconnected. None of us is safe or free until all of us are safe and free. At the Young Center, we will uplift Black-led and community-based organizations that are committed to racial justice and equity in our communities around the country.