Young Center

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Are you ready to be a Waymaker in 2022? Registration is now open!


The second annual Waymakers Run/Walk/Roll will be held from Sept 16-30.

The name for our Waymakers race was coined in honor of a girl we served from West Africa. When she was successfully released from custody, settled in, and enrolled in high school, she sent a letter to her Child Advocate, thanking her for being her Waymaker.

As children continue to be separated from their families at the border and children who arrive on their own are at risk of being deported to danger, we need Waymakers more than ever. Join us to show your solidarity and support.  

We are excited to share with you these dates and races our local team offices will be hosting:

  • San Antonio: September 16

  • Chicago: September 18 (more information here).

  • New York: September 22

  • Washington, D.C.: September 22

  • Houston: September 23

  • Los Angeles: September 25

  • Phoenix: September 30





Join our local staff in their team races! If you are interested in participating in any of these races, please contact Lisa Heineman at for more information.

  • San Antonio: September 16

  • Chicago: September 18 (more information here).

  • New York: September 22

  • Washington, D.C.: September 22

  • Houston: September 23

  • Los Angeles: September 25

  • Phoenix: September 30

Raise more funds and download the Strava App
We are excited to announce that our sponsors at Prove will be donating $5 for every mile run, walked, or rolled over the entire two weeks of September 16-30, not just limited to your race day and distance. Simply create your account on the Strava app (the free version is fine!), then register on Prove’s fundraiser page and click the Connect to Strava button to start logging your activity! More information here.

Tap into your extended network and come together as a Waymaker Team

Forming a team, in person or virtually, is an awesome way to support our work, since teams typically generate more donations and bring new folks into our community! Considering asking your friends, family, and co-workers to join you. For folks who are already in running clubs or athletic groups, consider asking those folks to join your team too! For all teams that raise over $250, the captain will receive a free copy of Maria Hinojosa’s critically acclaimed memoir for Young Adults “Once I Was You”, which tells her story as a young immigrant in the United States finding her voice.

Interested in a corporate sponsorship and/or forming a corporate team? Learn more about sponsorship opportunities here.

Start pick your distance: 1M, 5K (3.1M) or 10K (6.2M) and prepping your route

The Young Center has eight locations across the United States: Chicago, Harlingen, San Antonio, Houston, Phoenix, Washington D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles. Below are some routes throughout these cities. Please note that these routes are only suggestions; this is a virtual event so you can feel free to participate in any way that works for you.

The routes below range from 1 to 6.2 mile routes. These routes were found through Strava, Trail Link, All Trails, Map My Route and other online resources.

Chicago Routes

Harlingen Routes

Phoenix Routes

New York Routes

Houston Routes

Los Angeles Routes

San Antonio Routes

Washington, D.C. Routes