Be A Waymaker Young Center New York Virtual Benefit

Please join us for our first virtual event to support our work with unaccompanied and separated immigrant children featuring a special line-up of performers, authors, storytellers, and speakers on July 23, 2020, beginning at 6:00pm ET.

One virtual ticket purchase applies to all members of your household.

The “New York special report” (available via hard copy or e-version) includes the following items:

  • The Young Center’s 2019 Annual Report

  • A copy of Solito, Solita: Crossing Borders with Youth Refugees from Central America, with customized Young Center bookmark

 Please note a limited number of hard copy reports will be available, based on a first come-first served basis. There is no limit for e-versions of the report. If you opt to receive a hard copy of the report, please allow a few additional days to receive your package, due to shipping delays because of COVID-19.