Young Center

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WATCH: Young Zheng, An Animation Film

Young Zheng Sullivan, after whom the Young Center is named, was only 14 years old when his father sent him to the United States alone. Born a second child in the Fujian Province of China, where the government heavily taxes families with more than one child, Young's family struggled to make ends meet and sent him away to earn money for the family. Young's family paid a group of human traffickers, the “Snakeheads,” to smuggle him to the United States. Unbeknownst to Young, they only paid the Snakeheads a few thousand dollars. He was expected to work around the clock to pay off the remainder of the smuggling fee—$65,000.

We met Young after he had been apprehended by immigration officials while entering the country. Though his deportation to China—where the Snakeheads threatened his and his family’s life—seemed inevitable, Child Advocate (and Young Center Founder) Maria Woltjen fought to keep him safe and protected from deportation.

Since our founding in 2004, the Young Center has served thousands of children, always honoring each child's unique strengths and needs and recognizing their agency. Our work is made possible by generous supporters like you.

Click here to make a donation in honor of Young Zheng today and help us continue to fight for children.