ACTION ALERT: DACA Decision Highlights the Urgent Need for a Pathway to Citizenship

On Friday, July 16, a federal judge ruled against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. Because of this ruling, new applications for DACA (those not granted as of July 16, 2021, the date of the court’s ruling) will no longer be approved. However, the ruling does not impact anyone who already has DACA or who is seeking renewal of DACA status.   

Considering this latest blow to DACA, advocates, DACA recipients, and DACA-eligible youth are calling for immediate action by Congress. Congress can ensure a path to citizenship for all undocumented people, prioritizing DREAMers as well as Temporary Protection Status holders, Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) holders, farmworkers, and essential workers in the reconciliation bill that is being worked out right now in Washington, DC. We join them in calling on our supporters to urge their members of Congress to ensure that a pathway to citizenship stays in the reconciliation package. Here's language you can use while contacting your member of Congress.  

"Hi, I am calling to ask Senator/Representative ____________ to ensure that a pathway to citizenship stays in the budget reconciliation package that is being worked out right now. There is no reason for tens of thousands of people to live in fear of deportation and family separation. A pathway to citizenship for undocumented people will benefit us all, and I urge the Senator/Representative to make sure members of our community don't miss on an opportunity to find permanence, peace, and protection."

Noorjahan Akbar