I’m Walking as a Young Center Waymaker to Honor and Protect Freedom of Movement  

By Kaitlyn Crosby   

The freedom to move is a fundamental human right that must be afforded to all. Yet, far too often, adults migrating to the United States, fleeing violence and persecution alongside their children, face punishment for making the arduous journey in search of safety. Few can fully understand what it’s like to migrate to the U.S. or the inequities far too many people encounter because of our merciless immigration system. What I do know, however, is that each one of us has a loved one we would do anything for – whether it’s a sibling, a child, a parent, or a partner – our love for them means we would take on any challenge if it meant keeping them safe.   

Last year, members of the DePaul Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Program (friends and dogs too!) walked in honor of unaccompanied and separated children and families who travel thousands of miles to seek safety and asylum in the United States as part of the Young Center’s annual Waymakers Race. As we came together to move our bodies and walk along Chicago’s beautiful lakefront, the Waymakers Race gave us the opportunity to engage friends, family, and even strangers and spread awareness about the systemic barriers immigrant children, families, and adults face when they move.   

Year after year, adults facing violence, persecution, or other traumatic circumstances in their home country, are forced to flee the only home they’ve ever known in order to keep the ones they love safe. When they arrive here, they are faced with only more barriers, inhumane enforcement practices, and unjust policies that exacerbate the pain and trauma they’ve already endured. Unaccompanied and separated children are no exception. Many must navigate complex immigration laws to prove they qualify for protection, often without the guarantee of court-appointed advocates, legal representation, or language interpreters.   

As immigrant rights advocates, my colleagues and I at DePaul have been inspired by the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights' unapologetic efforts to change this system. By providing independent Child Advocates, legal counsel, and child-centered policy frameworks, the Young Center is committed to protecting the rights and best interests of all immigrant children and their families.  

Becoming a Waymaker is so much more than participating in the Young Center's annual event. It’s a daily practice and an ongoing commitment to building the future where immigrant children and their families are free to move. 


Join the Young Center’s 2022 Waymakers Race and register to #BeAWaymaker here! Between September 16-30th, form a team, choose from our three race distances (1mi, 5k, or 10k), and pick a date and time to run, walk, or roll. All funds raised will support our work reuniting immigrant children with their loved ones and advocating for their safety and best interests.  

Alexandra McAnarney